our offices

The Netherlands
Pentair Fairbanks Nijhuis
Parallelweg 4
7102 DE Winterswijk
The Netherlands

7100 AC Winterswijk
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)543 547 474
Mail: info.nijhuis@pentair.com

LinkedIn/ YouTube

3601 Fairbanks Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66106

Phone: 913-371-5000
Fax: 913-748-4025
Mail: fmproduct@pentair.com

contact one of our sales managers

Please contact us in case you have a question. Our colleagues are more than willing to help you. You may call us any time. Below you find a summarized overview of regions, markets and contact persons. Or you can send us your question by e-mail: just fill in the contact form above and your specific local contact person will reach out to you.

Sales contact: water

 Region Market   Sales contact Phone  e-Mail 
 Global EPC  Ron Sieben - Sales director  +31 543 547 483 ron.sieben@pentair.com 
 Global Commercial 

Thijs Pasman Wiegerinck – Sales Manager

 +31 6 29704579
 Benelux Marine, dredging, distribution 

Henk Jan van Essen- Senior Area Sales Manager  +31 543 547 418 henkjan.vanessen@pentair.com 
 Benelux Clog resistant impellers & pumps, Sewage water, Water treatment plants, Service & Spare Parts Ivo van de Kamp  +31 543 547 430
 Europe EPC, flood control, irrigation, potable water, water treatment plants  Raymond Lobeek - Area sales manager  +31 543 547 428 raymond.lobeek@pentair.com 
 Africa EPC  Raymond Lobeek - Area sales manager   +31 543 547 428 raymond.lobeek@pentair.com
Europe Distribution, EPC  Marcel Swart - Area sales manager  +31 543 547 416 marcel.swart@pentair.com 
 Global Fish friendly pumps, fish friendly hydro power, fish friendly tidal power  Harm Damkot - Area sales manager  +31 543 547 408  harm.damkot@pentair.com
 ME   Ahmed Hussien 
- Sales director 
+971 (4) 3781742

 SEA   Vichien Runyaseva - Senior sales manager  +66 (2203) 6870 vichien.runyaseva@pentair.com 

 Leo Zhou -Sales manager 

+86 2152507879

Sales contact: fire

 Region  Market  sales contact  phone  e-mail
 Global EPC   Ron Sieben - Sales Director +31 543 547 483 ron.sieben@pentair.com  
 Europe EPC 

Marcel Swart - Area Sales Manager

+31 543 547 416  marcel.swart@pentair.com
 EMEA EPC  Stefan Callant - Area Sales Manager  +32 475 287 320 stefan.callant@pentair.com 
 Asia EPC Ron Sieben - Sales Director
+31 543 547 483
 Benelux Commercial   Martijn Kolste  - Area Sales Manager  +31 543 547 374 martijn.kolste@pentair.com
 Europe Commercial   Niels van den Hurk - Sales Director  +31 543 547 492 niels.vandenhurk@pentair.com 
DACH  Commercial  Rene Schuurmans - Area Sales Manager  +31 543 474 544 rene.schuurmans@pentair.com
 China EPC Leo Zhou -Sales manager +86 2152507879  leo.zhou@pentair.com